By AJA Video Systems

Rent AJA KiPro

Inquire about Rent AJA KiPro

SKU: Rent-KiPro
AJA Video SystemsKi Pro Rack
Ki Pro Rack
Ki Pro Ultra
AJA Video SystemsKi Pro Ultra

The KiPRO can function with a wide array of cameras, integrating with your existing workflow. Simply take out the digitizing process and get to the edit room faster. Taking full advantage of Apple's high quality ProRes 422 QuickTime codec means footage is will stay robust through the entire post process. While in the field the KiPRO can be control via the web through a computer or iPhone. By eliminating use of a tape transport or swapping out memory cards, the lifespan of any camera will progressively get higher. No more having to clean tape heads and hope for no time-code dropouts.